Wintry Mix Part 2

New York City was the last place on earth my wife and I wanted to be on New Year’s Eve, so we retreated to upstate New York where the temperatures were in the balmy low 20s.  We were also treated to several days of snow and high wind: not so great for swimming, but full of intriguing sounds.  I noticed a pine tree creaking and crackling as it shed snow and ice in the wind.  I set up my Schoeps right under the branches of the tree and ran my freezing ass back inside the house.  One of the nicer details is the sound of a little padlock on a gas meter clanging away in the distance.

If you haven’t heard Wintry Mix Part 1, you can check it out here.

Recording Geek Note:  Rig consists of Schoeps CMC5 setup for MS, with the MK4 as the mid.  It was all tracked to a Sony PCM-M10, with Sound Devices MP2 as a front end.  I didn’t end up taking my Sound Devices recorder on this trip, but instead packed my new toy, the Sony PCM-M10, which replaced my crappy zoom h4.   This recording is my maiden voyage using my Sound Devices MP-2 mixer as a front end to the Sony.  I’ve always loved the sound of the MP-2, and I’m really pleased with the results.  The PCM-M10 isn’t much bigger than an iphone and it has a fairly transparent and quiet line input.

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  1. Happy New Year Michael!

    Great to hear something recorded on the sony – i’ve been toying with the idea of getting one for a while (or maybe a pcm -d50 if now going cheaper on ebay). Sounds pretty clean – are recordings made with the onboard mics good too? Do you mind me asking what price you got it for?



    1. Hey Michael. Happy New Year to you as well. I haven’t tried the onboard mics, but I can’t imagine they would be that good, but I’ll you know. I ended up paying $270.00 and it is way more quiet and transparent compared to the zoom products. It is a nice alternative to the sound devices 744 when I need something small.

  2. The space is nice and the rig captured the wind very well. Not sure the Rode Blimp would fair that good. Heres a short recording of me fetching firewood with my latest dipole mic, cruncy snow captured by two omni capsules side by side running on plug in power from a Sony D50. Recording was actually done optically via the optical out to the imac’s input (I was busy faffing around getting the matrixing correct) – but it gives some idea of the mic technique. – Similar to MS except the side is given by the phase between the two omnis, the mid is the sum of both omnis.

    Mark’s original article for the dipole mic,

    And my recording using two omnis running to the D50 and a lot of shuffling/matrixing afterwards:

  3. Happy Nre Year from a newcomer here (just got tipped about your blog by Flicity over at Sound Diaries).

    Love this wind recording – fortunately, you weren’t using the Sony internal mics… 😉

    I will be following you in my RSS redder from now on.



Michael Raphael January 5, 2010