It’s Fall in New York City, which means most landlords, if they’re not deadbeats, have turned the heat on. My apartment features several steam pipes that seem to enjoy vocalizing this time of year. I’m not sure if they are alerting the others to prey or mates in the area, but they seem to have quite a call and response going around the apartment. Everyday these guys are making new sounds: tonight they were in a gurgling, tapping kind of mood. I’m hoping that this post might attract David Attenborough to check out the phenomenon.
Recording Geek Note: Rig consists of Schoeps CMC5 setup for MS, with the MK4 as the mid. It was all tracked to a Sound Devices 744T at 24/96.
Mountain Lake Biological Station
This post comes from Stephen Vitiello who has been spending time at the Mountain Lake Biological Station in Pembroke, VA: I was tipped off to some sounds to listen for – juvenile barred owls, calling after sunset. I left a pair of DPA 4060s in a tree over night and captured some call and response and a moment of rain.
Bird Deck
One of the things I love about long holiday weekends is that most of my neighbors head out of town. Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend here in the states, and in terms of noise, that means quiet. Not only were the neighbors quiet, but temperatures didn’t peak enough for HVAC units to start kicking on. With quiet in mind,
All Clad
What is that expression about making lemons out of lemonade? Or is it lemonade out of lemons. For the next few weeks my next door neighbors are having their roof and siding redone, and if I am going to have to suffer through it, I might as well get some useful recordings out of it. This recording is from day