San Diego Underground

Back in January Charles Maynes released his wonderful collection of urban ambiences called LA Underground. Charles recently spent some time recording in San Diego, and wanted to reward existing customers with an additional bonus of 2.76GB of new ambiences. New customers can also get access to this material through Thursday July 10 when purchasing LA Underground. I’ve asked Charles to blog a bit about some of the new material.
– Michael

Hi all, I hope you are enjoying the Urban Ambiences of LA, and if you were an early supporter of the library, I hope the San Francisco material is handy as well. The recording rig was the same as both the Los Angeles and San Francisco recordings, which was a Sound Devices 744T recorder with a Oktava mid side stereo set of mics. I am still really enjoying the sound these capture and I hope they sound good to you as well. 

Having grown up in San Diego, the downtown is pretty different today compared to when I lived in the city back then. Downtown was not a polite place for the most part and one only ventured there when it was absolutely required.

Today, it is very different and has become a popular tourist destination. The downtown area dates back to the mid to late 1800’s and as the California city closest to Mexico, it does have a bit of influence from Mexico.

It also is noteworthy that San Diego has many military installations near downtown, including the headquarters for the US Navy Pacific Fleet, and North Island Naval Air Station. Also in close proximity is Coronado, which hosts the Headquarters for the west coast Navy SEAL teams.

In addition, the US Marine Corps Boot Camp is just north of Downtown. This was actually one of the reasons I chose to do some recording in town, as I am working on a submarine thriller named “SUBCONSCIOUS” and felt I could acquire nice military base ambiences while I was there.

If you want to pick up a copy of LA Underground it will be available through 7/10 with 2.76GB of additional material from San Diego.

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Michael Raphael July 7, 2014