Night Insects and Noisy Campers


Fall is squarely upon us and the temperatures are dropping. The Missus and I were in Upstate New York a few weeks ago. We caught one of the last warm nights of the summer and the last night the insects were singing before disappearing for the winter. I ran out with the gear and went into record. Sadly some campers across the way ruined the party.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

I have enough material to edit this down into a nice clean track of night insects, but I wanted to leave it as a document of the end of summer. The insects and the nearby campers both got a little rowdy because they knew it was going to end soon.

Recording Geek Note: The buggers were recorded with  Schoeps CMC5′s setup for MS with an MK4 as the Mid. It was all tracked to a Sound Devices 744T at 24/96 with a Cooper CS-104 used a front end.

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      1. Cool atmosphere – I like the sense of depth of the rowdy campers.

        Regarding the Cooper – I don’t know it very well. Curious… do you like it for the interface, quality, meters…?

        1. Hey Paul,

          Sadly all mixers made by Andy Cooper are no longer in production. I picked my CS104 up used and it is one of my favorite acquisitions of the last few years. It is heavy and a battery hog, but it sounds great. It has a big round sound that makes me happy. I also have an Sound Devices MP-2 which I use as a front end at times as well. I prefer it’s rounder sound to that of the built in pres on the 7-series recorders as well. I’m one of those guys who thinks “transparency” is just a myth — usually when folks say they want something transparent, it usually means, they just haven’t heard something sound really cool yet.

          1. Thanks Michael, I had seen the Coopers around but didn’t know their story.

            I find some other preamps can be a bit harsh and brittle. So I hear you on the affect of the rounder sound of the CS104… it seems to add a lush, full aspect to the ambience. Very nice!

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Michael Raphael October 18, 2011