I’ve been trying to drag the quad rig around more lately, and I recently found myself in a Brooklyn apartment with a nice view of the water and all of the happenings that go on in "cool town."
This day, it was early enough on a weekend morning where there wasn’t a ton happening except for the din of light traffic and the occasional boat off in the distance.
Lately, I’ve been a bit obsessed with occluded1 sounds, but this day I cracked the window a bit. So this recording, I guess, is partially occluded? Semi-sweet occluded? 60% occluded? Who knows, but I do like dark chocolate.2
Recording Geek Note: Rig consists of Schoeps CMC1′s with MK4 capsules set up for double ORTF. It was tracked with a Cooper CS 104 feeding a Sound Devices 744T
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Cold November Rain
I have never been much of a Guns ‘n Roses fan, but "Cold November Rain" seemed like an appropriate title for this post as it was both cold and raining. I wanted to get the rig outside because it was Thanksgiving Day and I knew traffic would be at a minimum. The rig is out on a stone patio near
Mountain Lake Biological Station
This post comes from Stephen Vitiello who has been spending time at the Mountain Lake Biological Station in Pembroke, VA: I was tipped off to some sounds to listen for – juvenile barred owls, calling after sunset. I left a pair of DPA 4060s in a tree over night and captured some call and response and a moment of rain.
Bird Deck
One of the things I love about long holiday weekends is that most of my neighbors head out of town. Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend here in the states, and in terms of noise, that means quiet. Not only were the neighbors quiet, but temperatures didn’t peak enough for HVAC units to start kicking on. With quiet in mind,
I’m assuming these recordings are you linked to are stereo? How do you pan double ORTFs for a stereo mix?