Tim Prebble of The Music of Sound and Hiss and a Roar has an interesting project in the works. He’s enlisted the help of hundreds of recordists to help him with egregious problem: generic sounding doors:
If there is one sound that pulls me out of a movie or TV show (apart from the Wilhelm) it’s the use of crappy sounding library doors. Now I don’t imagine this is a common complaint amongst theatre goers but it does bug me and I’ve often wondered why the problem exists. Lets face it, if you have your recorder running, you could record a dozen door sounds between the time you get out of bed until you return there… So why use generic door sounds? — Tim Prebble
I’m just getting started on my contribution to the project, but I thought it would be fun to post a couple early takes. The following recording is from a closet door in my childhood home.
The first take is a door close recorded at a close perspective which is on the gentle side of the things, and the second take is more of a slam.
[soundcloud url=”http://soundcloud.com/sepulchra/100519doors” params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]Tim also has another project called Dub 45:
Dub45 is a net-label where releases take the form of virtual 45rpm singles, but with both sides containing dub versions of a non-existent A side. While the selection of tracks pays hommage to the spirit of studio-created dub reggae, Dub45 is a contemporary take on a form of music profoundly centred on bass, drums & space…
I bring you the dubby door.
[soundcloud url=”http://soundcloud.com/sepulchra/dubby-door” params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]Recording Geek Note: Rig consists of Schoeps CMC5 setup for MS, with the MK4 as the mid. It was all tracked to a Sound Devices 744T at 24/96. And R. Kelley was not trapped in the closet.
hah! nice work 🙂
it is going to be fascinating to hear the range of doors submitted!
I just got done recording five doors and a garage door as well. Excited to see how this projects turns out.
– Mike Niederquell
Sounds very good! Love the dubby door 😉
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael Raphael and Michael Raphael, Bryan Jerden. Bryan Jerden said: RT @sepulchra: New Blog Post, Doors Doors Doors http://bit.ly/c7YAHK […]
Just a thought… Soft, medium and loud (read slam) recorded in perspective from close, medium and far… Lets say three of each? Then creeks and movement as well as grabs (the door handle grab) separate?
Does this make sense?
Coll, that is the idea. You can find most of the requirements on tim’s site.
Coll’s here’s Tim’s link: