I’ve been going through some old files lately, and I came across a recording that I had forgotten about. Back in 2008, I was living in Minneapolis, MN where it was incredibly easy to get out to nature in a few hours. After being away for three months, I wanted to take the missus somewhere special when I returned, and believe it or not, Wisconsin was that place. We drove out to a small resort on a lake that was incredibly quiet and just what we needed. Now, as we know, it wouldn’t be a vacation if I didn’t take my gear.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/5856985″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]I set up at the edge of the lake just when the sun was going down; the above recording is just a few minutes from that night. I love how the density of the insect sounds just suddenly drops off and gives way to some distant bird calls. It’s amazing how a recording can just transport you back in time . . . I can almost smell the place and feel the giant mosquitos.
Recording Geek Note: Rig consists of Schoeps CMC5’s setup for MS, with the MK4 as the mid. It was all tracked to a Sound Devices 744T at 24/96
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael Raphael, Michael Raphael. Michael Raphael said: New Fieldsepulchra blog post: https://sepulchra.com/?p=1260 […]
Michael, this drop off is crazy. i can’t believe that they just stopped so suddenly. it doesn’t feel real.
the recording has such a beautiful relaxing quality to it. must have been nice as you said. any place where you can’t hear anything man made ends up being an oasis from our daily city lives.
Thanks Peter. No editing at all, the little buggers just clammed up like that.
So pretty, makes we long for a vacation…
[…] and record without you via Soundblog 403: Review of Bucc’s latest on torn music via tonmagnet 404: A field recording of a lake via fieldsepuchra 405: Participate in the making of […]
[…] and record without you via Soundblog 403: Review of Bucc’s latest on torn music via tonmagnet 404: A field recording of a lake via fieldsepuchra 405: Participate in the making of […]
Hi Michael
This sound is one of the BEST field recording. We feel like to look “3D” picture! Thank you.
after the NY and the bus terminal recordings.. i listened to that! wow!
Absolutely gorgeously rendered, Michael. The songbirds, the loon call, the crickets…all really lovely. Thanks for sharing, one of your strongest nature ambiences you’ve shared to date!
Thanks! Makes you want to go to wisconsin doesn’t it? I never thought I would say that.
[…] and record without you via Soundblog 403: Review of Bucc’s latest on torn music via tonmagnet 404: A field recording of a lake via fieldsepuchra 405: Participate in the making of […]