

Today was a lazy Sunday for me and the missus, which meant a morning trip to the laundromat to have some machines clean our clothes.  In an effort to capitalize on the experience, I decided to do some recording.  I put my DPA 4060s in my hat, packed up the dirty clothes and headed down to the local laundromat.

The space has a low level rumble from the clothes cleaning machinery, and, if you listen long enough, you’ll hear various patrons looking for their missing socks.

Remember to be careful and dry at your own risk!

Recording Geek Note:  Rig consists of a pair of DPA 4060 mounted stealthily in a hat.  It was all tracked to a Sony PCM-M10, with Sound Devices MP2 as a front end while trying to avoid running into the snuggle bear.

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  1. I love your recording here. I made a few recordings at the launderette (as we call it over here!) but just using the edirol R-09 inbuilt microphones. It was hard to capture the lovely clinking sound of change that you have captured so well here; it was either too quiet or peaking out wildly in my recording setup. But your images here are great and remind me of the fantastical reality radio show postcard designs that Kayla of Mundane Appreciation made during our collaboration;

    You can see her launderette/sound image here on the right

    I do love a bit of mundane audio and the way you’ve captured this is just perfect.

  2. Nice one!
    You witnessed the tragedy of a loss of the modern times.
    If you google “laudry lost sock” or similar, you’ll quickly realize how serious and dramatic is the phenomenon.
    Once I found somewhere a laundry hanging framed lost socks on its walls.


  3. The detail and crispness in your recently-posted ambiences are great, Michael, and this one is especially nice. That clacking of bits against the glass and metals is really well defined without being too fatiguing to hear. Nice job, as usual!

Michael Raphael February 8, 2010